Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Treatment

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Intense Pulse Light (IPL) For Dry Eye Relief

Traditionally, dry eye disease has been treated with artificial tears, hot compresses, and Omega 3 supplements. While this may provide temporary symptom relief it does not get at the root cause of dry eye disease. Dry eye disease has a substantial inflammatory component. IPL directly targets and reduces inflammation.

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How IPL Treats Dry Eye

Intense Pulse Light or IPL, delivers high intensity light to the skin which is used by dermatologists to treat pigmented and vascular lesions, more commonly known as a photofacial. By directly targeting the small blood vessels of the eyelids, IPL reduces inflammation around the meibomian glands, dramatically increasing their function. This leads to better oils being produced and a reduction in dry eye symptoms.

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The Benefits of IPL

  • Reduction in dry eye symptoms, targeting the inflammatory component of dry eye
  • Reduction in age spots
  • Reduction in small blood vessels on the face ‘spider veins”
  • Reduced freckles
  • Reduced sunspots
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IPL Before & After Treatment
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During an IPL treatment there will be a bright flash of light and a sensation on your skin that feels like a light snap from an elastic band. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after treatment and usually subside within an hour. Over the next 1-2 days you may see darkening of pigmented spots which can flake off in about a week.

Typically your dry eye symptoms will begin to improve 1-2 weeks after your first treatment.

We recommend 4 sessions 3 weeks apart.

Many times more than one treatment modality will be recommended by your eye doctor. Other treatments include Radio Frequency (RF) and LipiFlow. Each treatment works via a different mechanism. Outcomes are often enhanced when more the one type of treatment is performed. Your Optometrist will provide you with a custom treatment plan to provide the most relief for your dry eye symptoms.